Tue February 24 12:10 pm 2009 in category Company news

Fingerprint 1/2009: The world's biggest port as a test track

New Fingerprint magazine 1/2009 concentrate on harbour and mining tyres.

About 10 years ago, Nokian Heavy Tyres was looking for a company that would be willing to test special harbour tyres for reach stackers. Leo Steenbergen at C. Steinweg Handelsveem B.V. in Rotterdam was interested in such co-operation. Over the years, those initial tests have developed into a close relationship between the manufacturer in Finland and the Dutch importer, De Klok Banden, and its service partners.
The first Fingerprint magazine of the year is published in Finnish, Swedish, English, German, Russian, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Dutch. It takes the readers to the home ground of Nokian Heavy Tyres: fields, forests, harbours and mines. It introduces new products and reports tyre user experiences.
Fingerprint 1/2009:
* Maximal hourly output with the right tyre choice and careful pressure maintenance
* Nokian Mine L-5S in a zinc mine in Kazakhstan
* Nokian Forest Rider in the Harz mountains
* Levypyörä Oy, Nokian Heavy Tyres Ltd. and Ponsse Plc Optimising the delivery chain in co-operation

Please enjoy the newest edition of Fingerprint magazine and send us feedback.
Which was the best article in this issue? Which topics or products would you like to read more about? How would you develop the Fingerprint magazine?
You can mail feedback to editor in chief Mr. Teemu Sainio, firstname.lastname(at)nokiantyres.com
All feedback senders participate in a draw for prizes.